About Us



At Creative Kids Christian Learning Center we feel that discipline is imperative. Our intent is to maintain an orderly and safe childcare environment whether the daycare activities at that time are structured or informal. Our preschool feels that rules should be clearly defined and that children need to understand that there are consequences to inappropriate behavior. We also strongly feel that there should be positive rewards for appropriate behavior. Preschoool teachers will establish an age appropriate reward system in their daycare classrooms.

*Corporal punishment is not used under any circumstances in this childcare facility.

Any child whose behavior is considered inappropriate at the daycare will have that behavior pointed out to him/her, and the reason why this behavior is inappropriate will be explained. After this one warning, discipline will follow. Time out is the preferred form of childcare discipline at our preschool facilities. Time out will consist of the child being placed in an area isolated from the other children, yet still in the same preschool classroom.

Any inappropriate activity that still persists after this will be addressed with the director and possibly a conference will be set up with the parents. Parents will be notified at the time of inappropriate behavior does not stop after time out and a visit to the director. We will work with the parents and child to correct any inappropriate behavior.

*If after all options are tried, and satisfactory improvement is not noted, the child may be asked to leave Creative Kids Christian Learning Center as a final measure, at the discretion of the director.

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